Case Study: Film Production Catering

We bring variety and delicious food to the crew when producing a film, movie or commercial.

The film shooting took place close to Padang Padang Beach, Pecatu, South Kuta. 10 days long we daily catered for up to 60 pax. Twice a day we delivered sit-down meals: one buffet for lunch and one for dinner at a Villa close to the set. And several times we catered lunch boxes directly to the set. If they can’t go to the food, the food has to come to them.

buffet scene 2 16-9
Film Production Catering, 60 pax
10 days, buffet and lunch box
buffet scene 3 16-9
buffet-detail 16-9
buffet-modul-sayur 16-9
buffet-modul-spaghetti 16-9
buffet-modul-salad 16-9
buffet-modul-beans 16-9
box 16-9
box-close 16-9
box-delivery 16-9
box-arrival 16-9
buffet scene 16-9
buffet scene 1 16-9
buffet-scene-last 16-9
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